Tax Incentive Program

New Build Tax Incentive

The RM of Prince Albert No. 461 supports a Residential and Commercial/Industrial Tax Incentive Policy to achieve the following community objectives:


  • To increase and diversify employment opportunities within the RM;
  • To encourage businesses to locate their operations within the RM;
  • To make the RM of Prince Albert No. 461 an attractive locale for foreign and domestic investment and development;
  • To improve the RM's competitive position;
  • To demonstrate the RM of Prince Albert No. 461's commitment to business and industry;
  • To entice new residents to relocate and reside within the RM;
  • To encourage residential development on every level;
  • To attract generational residential continuation.


This Tax Exemption is for new builds only and came into effect on September 12, 2024. It is not retroactive.

To learn more about the Tax Incentive Policy, click here.


Tax Abatement

This program reduces taxes for three years to encourage new or replacement of commercial/industrial or residential dwellings. This incentive is applicable to both the municipal and school portion of taxes.




Application of the Exemption

A person or business requesting a tax incentive for commercial/industrial or residential development shall complete the Tax Incentive Application Form to the best of their knowledge and ability.


All Tax Incentive applications must be submitted with the approved Development/Building Permit. To learn more about Building Permits, Click here.


To begin the tax exemption process, please submit the Tax Exemption Application to the RM by dropping it off in person, mailing it or emailing it to cao@rmprincealbert.ca.