The Municipality is divided into 6 divisions. If weather conditions are favorable, the graders are out doing their standard rotations (anywhere from 2-3 weeks), with our high volume roads receiving grading more frequently. Rotations are divided between highways; two graders are east of Highway 3, 2 graders are between Highway 2 and Highway 3 (including subdivisions), and two graders are west of Highway 2.
A Snow Removal Agreement is required at the start of each snow fall season. The agreement can be found under Permits and Forms on our website or can be picked up at the Municipal Centre.
When signing a Snow Removal Agreement, the Municipality agrees to snowplow the private driveway of the owner when so requested by the owner, however the snowplowing shall be undertaken at the discretion of the Municipality prioritizing the roadways.
When snow removal is required, immediately place the orange snow removal flag provided by the office at the end of the driveway.
In the event of snow removal, the owner will be billed a minimum charge of $75.00.