
 Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the municipality's infrastructure. Several areas of focus for the Public Works Department include:

  • Road Construction
  • Road Maintenance
  • Gravelling
  • Grading
  • Snow Removal
  • Culvert installation, repair and maintenance
  • Signage
  • Mowing
  • Brush Cutting
  • Custom Work

The Public Works Department operates from the Municipal Centre located South of Prince Albert, near the junction of Highway 2 & 11.

There are 780 kilometres of designated roads in the RM plus machinery trails and 5 subdivisions.

 Weight Restrictions

The Municipality follows the weight restrictions as set out by Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation in relation to spring weight restrictions. All municipal roads are restricted to Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation secondary weights unless otherwise posted.

Permits will be issued through the RM office to those producers who have no alternative route other than Highway 302 East and to provide access to the nearest heavy haul road.

 Road Construction & Maintenance

Each year Council approves the Local Road Construction Priority List to guide road construction for the year. The needs of all areas of the Municipality shall be given equal consideration. The establishment of priority is based on consideration of the greatest need, the most benefit, the availability of alternate routes and the condition of the existing road relative to the amount and type of traffic.


The R.M. applies approximately 20,000 to 25,000 yards of gravel to the municipal roads each year. Every spring the gravel program for the year is planned taking into consideration:


  • Outstanding projects from prior years
  • Ratepayers requests
  • The last year that gravel was applied 
  • Existing gravel condition of the road relative to the type and amount of traffic. 

 Grading and Snow Removal

The Municipality is divided into 6 divisions. If weather conditions are favorable, the graders are out doing their standard rotations (anywhere from 2-3 weeks), with our high volume roads receiving grading more frequently. Rotations are divided between highways; two graders are east of Highway 3, 2 graders are between Highway 2 and Highway 3 (including subdivisions), and two graders are west of Highway 2.


A Snow Removal Agreement is required at the start of each snow fall season. The agreement can be found under Permits and Forms on our website or can be picked up at the Municipal Centre.

When signing a Snow Removal Agreement, the Municipality agrees to snowplow the private driveway of the owner when so requested by the owner, however the snowplowing shall be undertaken at the discretion of the Municipality prioritizing the roadways.

When snow removal is required, immediately place the orange snow removal flag provided by the office at the end of the driveway.

In the event of snow removal, the owner will be billed a minimum charge of $75.00.


Residents are reminded that there are over 250 intersections in the Municipality and that not all intersections are controlled. Please adhere to the rules of the road when approaching these intersections.

The Public Works Department installs and maintains signage for municipal right of way. If you are aware of damaged signs in the R.M. call the office at 306-763-2469.

Sign requests for signage such as; School Bus, Children Playing, Stop/Yield, Speed, etc. require a Municipal Road Sign Request Form to be completed and submitted to the office. The form can be found under Permits and Forms on our website or can be picked up at the Municipal Centre. Sign requests will be subject to Council's approval.


 Mowing and Brush Cutting

Top cut mowing is the first pass off of the shoulder of the road, this typically begins the week of June 10th and continues until mid August. Full cut mowing, which is the mowing of the right of way, starts mid August and continues until snow fall.

Brush cutting, which is typically completed with a mulcher, is done to keep site lines and right of ways clear of brush and trees. The process is based on priority of growth to help prevent road hazards from falling of trees.

 Custom Work

Custom work services are offered to residents in the RM of Prince Albert. Custom work is normally done when the equipment is in the area, with the understanding that the municipal right of way takes priority.


2024 Custom Work Rates:

  • TS 14 (Buggy/Scraper)
  • CAT D6H (Bulldozer)
$250.00/hr (plus a $100.00 surcharge - two day per client maximum)
  • Graders
  • Mowers
  • Rubber Tire Hoe
  • Excavator
$235.00/hr ($300.00 with mulcher)
  • Mulcher
  • Komatsu Rock Truck
  • Belly Dump
  • Tandem
  • Snow Removal
$75.00 (minimum occurrence)
  • Service Truck


For custom work services contact DJ Harris, Director of Public Works at 306-763-5641 or pubworks@rmprincealbert.ca