Public Notice - Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Public notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 that the Council of the RM of Prince Albert intends to pass a bylaw to amend the RM of Prince Albert Zoning Bylaw, No. 3 of 2010.
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: It is proposed to amend the RM of Prince Albert Zoning Bylaw by amending the following:
- The Zoning District Map referred to as “Sheet 3 of 7”, be amended in the following manner:
- By removing the A - Agriculture District zoning from a portion of SW34-47-26-W2 Ext 1 and zone the said lands as C2 – Highway Commercial District, as the shaded area on the map below:
- The addition of “Commercial Complex” and “Industrial Complex” be added alphabetically under Section 2 - Interpretation as:
- Commercial Complex – means a multi-unit building or a group of two or more detached principal buildings located on the same site and where each form of development comprising the complex is otherwise permitted or discretionary use in the zoning district. A commercial complex shall not exceed 10,000 m2 of combined building floor area on a site.
- Industrial Complex – means a multi-unit building or group of two (2) or more detached principal buildings located on the same site and where each form of development comprising the complex is otherwise a permitted or discretionary use in the zoning district.
- The alphabetical addition of the “Commercial Complex”and “Industrial Complex” to Table 14-1 C2 – Highway Commercial District Development Standards, under Section Commercial Uses as follows:
Use |
Permitted or Discretionary |
Subject to Sections |
Minimum Site Area (ha) |
Minimum Site Width (m) |
Minimum Front Yard (m) |
Minimum Side Yard (m) |
Minimum Rear Yard (m) |
Maximum Bldg Height (m) |
Maximum Site Coverage |
Commercial Complex, one building |
P |
4.21 |
0.4 |
45 |
(1) |
8 |
8 |
15 |
65% |
Commercial Complex, multiple buildings |
D |
4.21 |
0.4 |
45 |
(1) |
8 |
8 |
15 |
65% |
Industrial Complex, one building |
P |
4.21 |
1 |
45 |
(1) |
8 |
8 |
15 |
65% |
Industrial Complex, multiple building |
D |
4.21 |
1 |
45 |
(1) |
8 |
8 |
15 |
65% |
- The addition of: Section 4.21 - COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX
4.21.1 A Commercial or Industrial Complex is subject to the following development standards:
(1) The applicant shall obtain necessary building and development permits prior to commencing interior construction on or occupancy of individual units, buildings or structures on a site;
(2) Any parking areas, loading or service areas, outdoor storage areas, waste disposal areas or other unsightly elements that are facing a public roadway or a residential site shall be landscaped and screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
(3) Parking requirements may be lessened at the discretion of the Development Officer based on what is practical for the use; and,
(4)The use may include a caretaker suite, shared administration offices or shared amenity space or common areas on a site or within a building.
- The revision of section 4.7 ONE PRINCIPAL BUILDING PERMITTED ON A SITE to state:
4.7.1 Not more than one principal building shall be permitted on any one site except for:
(1) public works;
(2) institutional uses;
(3) agricultural uses;
(4) dwelling groups;
(5) mobile homes in mobile home courts;
(6) recreation facilities;
(7) schools;
(8) Commercial Complex;
(9) Industrial Complex; and,
(10) ancillary uses as specifically provided for in this Bylaw.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the map amendment is to change the land use designation for a specific area along Highway 2 to a Highway Commercial District, transitioning it from an Agricultural District for future commercial development.
The addition of a Commercial Complex and an Industrial Complex aims to facilitate the establishment of multiple businesses within a single building, similar to a strip mall, as well as allow for multiple primary commercial buildings on one parcel. This change will enable businesses to expand more effectively.
BYLAW INSPECTION: The proposed bylaws may be inspected by any interested person, at the office of the RM of Prince Albert (Municipal Centre, Junction Hwy 2 & 11, Prince Albert) on any judicial day between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Copies of the proposed bylaw are available from the office of the RM of Prince Albert at a cost of $2.00.
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will consider any submissions regarding the proposed amendment as described in this notice during its meeting, held on Tuesday, March 18th at 1:00 PM.
Issued at Prince Albert this 18th day of February 2025.
Teresa Hanson
Director of Planning and Development
RM of Prince Albert No. 461