Mitigating Actions for Flooding or Wildland Fires

The RM of Prince Albert has been designated an eligible assistance area under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program which provides financial assistance for restoring essential services and property, both public and private, as a result of substantial damages caused by extreme flooding due to the combination of extremely high snowfall amounts after three consecutive years of heavy rain throughout the Municipality.

For program guidelines and applications, please visit the RM Office at RR 2, Site 4, Comp 112 Prince Albert, SK S6V 5P9 or call 306-763-2469.


 Flooding – Individual Property Owners

  • Shovel or remove snow from around your home and move it to a position where melt water will drain away from the foundation.
  • Clear channels in the ice / snow to allow melt water to drain more effectively from your home.
  • Ensure downspouts are extended so they discharge rain or melt water a minimum distance from your home to avoid it draining back towards your foundation. The suggested minimum distance is two meters.
  • Check to make sure your sump pump is working. If you don’t have a sump pump, consider installing one. Contact a plumber for assistance, if required.
  • Determine if any private wells could be infiltrated by flood water; consider the adequacy of wellhead protection and the security of the well power supply.
  • Consider installing a mainline Sewer Backwater Valve to protect against sewer backup if you don’t have one.
  • Keep basement sewer caps in place.
  • Check your basement regularly for signs of water and consider installing a water-sensing alarm.

 Flooding – Agricultural Producers

  • Identify alternative locations to store equipment and livestock, if needed. This includes identifying a means of transporting them, and people that may be able to assist you on short notice.
  • Ensure an adequate store of food, water and other supplies, should access to livestock become limited.
  • Use easily-visible livestock identification, in case the animals escape or need to be transported.
  • Identify potential contaminants and fire hazards. Plan for the removal and storage of chemicals and fuel during floods. Plan to turn off electricity to buildings, should they be threatened by flood water.
  • Identify and secure any tanks or bins that could potentially float away during a flood; and
  • Keep a supply of materials such as rope, sandbags, plywood, plastic sheeting and lumber handy for emergency waterproofing.

 Flooding – Community Actions

  • Ensure culverts and drains are free from ice.
  • Ensure all drainage channels are clear of debris and growth.
  • Encourage residents to move snow from around houses.

Assess Drinking water system for risks, including:

  • Survey levels of reservoir and plant including any features that may be directly threatened in the event of flood water level rise;
  • Determine if wells could be infiltrated by flood water; evaluate the adequacy of wellhead protection and the security of the well power supply; and
  • Ensure sufficient protective resources are on hand (sand bags, gabion barriers, water tube barriers, etc).

Assess wastewater system for risks, including:

  • Location and capacity of lift stations;
  • Survey level of lagoon;
  • Protective measures in place around lagoon (additional protective dyke, runoff channels, etc); and
  • Are sufficient protective resources on hand (sand bags, gabion barriers, water tube barriers, etc).

Assess access roads to infrastructure, such as drinking and waste water facilities, as well as landfills. Determine if protective measures are necessary.

Review hazard assessment and update emergency plan and consumer/customer notification plans.

 Wildfire – Individual Property Owners

  • Roofs should be constructed with materials like asphalt, tin or composite shingles.
  • Use stucco, brick, plaster or heavy timbers for siding on your house.
  • Screen in or cover all areas under your home and deck.
  • Screen in building vents and clean the leaves, needles and twigs out of your eavestroughs and off your roof.
  • Create a 10-meter fire-resistant zone around your buildings.
  • Water your lawn well.
  • Construct your fire pit or burn barrel out of concrete blocks or metal.
  • Locate your fire pit or burn barrel three meters from any trees and cover it with an 8-16 millimeter screen.
  • Have a 30 meter garden hose attached to a water supply and a shovel on hand.
  • Consider purchasing an exterior sprinkler system to mount on your roof.

 Wildfire – Community Actions

  • Roadways should be at least 7.3 meters wide to allow for emergency vehicles and emergency evacuations.
  • Communities at high fire risk should have two access routes.
  • All roads should be well marked and dead-end roads should be no longer than 90 meters.
  • Clear all trees away from overhead power lines.
  • Make sure your community has a good water source.
  • Review hazard assessment and update emergency plan.